Of Thrills In Leelanau

Empire Bluffs "The thrill you feel on first seeing some delightful place ... dies away when you really go to live there." C.S. Lewis Dear Mr. Lewis: I must, respectfully, disagree. For nearly twenty-five years, I have walked the path from my door to the foothills of this majestic dune. I have climbed this mountain of sand countless times, always to reach the summit, and there to gaze at this vast inland sea. The thrill of this place, this Leelanau, this "Land of Delight," has not expired. This feeling is more alive now than it was on my very first summit here, a quarter century ago. Most thrills in life are fleeting, like my footprints in this sand, .... Yet the thrill that is Leelanau seems to have no end.