
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Nationalization Of Leelanau

Pyramid  Point - Sleeping  Bear  Dunes Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore was born 50 years ago, ... After a very difficult and protracted labor and delivery. Indeed, the tranquility of this now mature park - belies the tumult of its birth. Though conceived in 1960, it would be another decade before Michigan's Senator Philip Hart could muster enough support from the various stakeholders to make the national park a reality. Most Leelanau seasonal and permanent residents were fiercely opposed to this "land grab" by the feds. They feared the development of a Gatlinburg type park overrun by hoards of downstate "fudgies."  Mostly though - they feared losing their cherished land. "Let Sleeping Bears Sleep" was their rallying cry - as Senator Hart and Interior Secretary Stewart Udall  were hung in effigy in Traverse City. Finally, in 1970, the worst of it came to pass when the actual land appropriation began. Over 20,000 acres...

High Tide In Leelanau

South  Empire  Beach This season, even if we can make it down to the water, ... A picnic on the beach - will be no picnic. Not because of corona, (thanks to sunlight and fresh air). No.  It's on account of the water. There's too much of it.  And the water is having its way … with everything in its way. Devouring beaches. Flooding harbors. Destroying docks, trees, stairways, decks - even houses. Lake Michigan is surging to its highest level in recorded history. There is one good thing, though. Despite the floods (and diseases, riots, etc.) in our lives, ... All of this water has created a ready supply of free kindling wood - to stoke the mother of all beach bonfires. Now all we need is a beach. See You (underwater) In Leelanau Up North, Chris                     Visit A Leelanau Landmark:  The beaches of Leelanau.  Despite             ...