Leelanau Timber Tale

Seeking relief from my corona blues, ... I walked the beach north of Empire, And came upon the skeleton of an old shipwreck. If only her timbers could talk, They would tell the sad tale of the schooner, Jennie & Annie, …. Of how she plied these waters for the last time, On November 12, 1872, ... When in a fierce gale she was driven aground, And mercilessly battered by wind and waves. Most of her crew, ... Seven sorry souls, With fingers bloodied and frozen, Lost hold of the mangled rigging, And succumbed to the icy waters. As I pondered the fate of the captain and his mates, With my hand on the ancient ship's bones, My corona blues ... S eemed a little less blue. See You In Leelanau Up North, Chris Visit A Leelanau Landmark: The remains of the Jennie & Annie - A remarkable sight, roughly halfway to North...