Lost In Leelanau

Photo Courtesy Of Sleeping Bear Dunes Visitors Bureau

With 70,000 acres of varied terrain - from towering cliffs, to dense forests, to 35 miles of rugged coastline - the habitat of the Sleeping Bear can be overwhelming ….

And easy to get lost in.

Over the years, I've taken many a wrong turn in the woods - which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't stubbornly forge ahead, ...

To points unknown.

To proud to admit my mistake and go back to the trailhead.

And so it is that in life we often persist down the wrong path - with jobs, relationships, behaviors, ...

Getting nowhere near the place we really want to be.

Whether lost in Leelanau - or lost in Life - sometimes ...

Going back is the quickest way forward.

And fortunately, ...

"There's still time to change the road you're on."

                    Visit A Leelanau Landmark:  Guided snowshoe hikes - every  
                    Saturday during winter in the National Park.  Stop by the  
                    Visitors Center in Empire for details, or call (231) 326-4700.
                    Reservations required.  Some fees apply.  Ask about  the
                    "You won't get lost" guarantee!


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