On Beauty ... In Leelanau

Most of us would agree that the sunset over Lake Michigan, pictured above, is … beautiful. Not unlike many such scenes in Leelanau, the Land of Delight. But I wonder …. This sense we have that something is beautiful - where does it come from? We don't learn to recognize beauty. We just do. We know it when we see it, as if by instinct. Somehow, I think, we are recalling a Supreme Beauty which occupies another realm. A realm, though unseen, that is no less a part of our being, ... and is perhaps our true home. In a word, we know beauty because we come from the source and Creator of all that is beautiful ... In Leelanau and beyond. See You Up North, Chris Visit A Leelanau Landmark: The big one, Lake Michigan - 307 miles long, 118 miles wide, 1,640 miles of shoreline, 279 to 923 feet deep, ...