Leelanau Last Walk

Pyramid Point Trail - Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore The path from my door to the lake climbs to a hilltop stand of pine and locust trees, … and then descends a sandy bluff to the beach. I've walked this path a thousand times, … each little mound and turn now firmly ingrained in my mind. On the last walk, the thought occurred that there will be a Last Walk - someday. Hopefully, not too soon. Knowingly or not, I'll amble up and down the path … F or the last time. Too often in life, we end a longstanding routine, or leave a place we've lived for years, … without giving it a second thought. Without thinking, ... "This is the last time." Before s uch endings and leavings, let us savor the last moments of doing or being. T he Buddha put it wisely: "As you walk … be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life." So, … on my next walk to the lake, I'll take a deep breath of the earthy, moist...