An Orderly Leelanau Spring

"Dreaming of Spring" by Artist Kristin Hurlin of Glen Arbor, Michigan

Some very smart people (PhD physicists and such) like to use the term "entropy," which the dictionary defines as "the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder."

Now there's a pleasant topic for light conversation.

Seriously though, you can see entropy all around - especially after the Leelanau thaw - when the finally melting snow reveals some disorderly things.

Like a yard strewn with with wilted leaves and fallen branches.  A cracked and splintery wood deck.  A retaining wall with a few rocks discarded on the ground.  And the shriveled remains of little critters who just couldn't make it through the long, cold winter.

A somewhat depressing scene.  You could say ... that decay ... rules the day.

But tomorrow, come the spring warmth and rains, quite another scene will unfold.

Trillium wildflowers - with their uniform of three leaves, three sepals and three petals - sprouting among the trees.  Intricately spun spider webs glistening in the morning sun.  Round and carefully crafted robins' nests - one in each cubbyhole under the deck.  And yours truly trying to wedge the wayward rocks back into the wall.

There you have it.  Nature's counterpoint to entropy: life and order in a Leelanau spring.

And, if we're really lucky, .... life and order springs eternal. 

See You Up North,


                    Visit a Leelanau Landmark:  Glen Arbor Artisans - where renowned
                    local artists Kristin Hurlin and husband Paul May display and sell 
                    their unique creations.  You'll find photography, furniture, prints and 
                    other home decor sourced from the Land of Delight.  Located on 
                    Ray Street in downtown Glen Arbor.


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