Photo Courtesy Of Pure Michigan I like to contemplate chance encounters. Like when I'm walking the beach at Platte Bay, ... And another solitary hiker approaches from the shadow of the dunes. As we pass, we might exchange a smile, a greeting, perhaps a few trite words. Just two travelers, on a stretch of sand, in a fleeting moment ... Which will likely never be repeated in the history of the world. Still, I marvel at how we got here - strangers, you and I. How from the beginning of time ... To the circumstances of our births, To the unfolding of our lives, To our decision to walk the beach at Platte Bay, To the precise interplay of our gravity, force and momentum, The universe has conspired ... To cross our paths ... At this very minute. What are the chances? See You In Leelanau Up North, Chris Visit A Leelanau Landmark: Platte Bay - A graceful curve of the ...
Empire Beach Sunset To behold a Leelanau sunset, Is to glimpse a bit of heaven from earth. But not in real time. For to look at a Leelanau sunset, Is to look back in time - About 8.3 minutes ago to be precise. Which is the time it takes for our sunlight To make its 93 million mile journey To the Land of Delight. So, the sun actually sets eight plus minutes before the sunset image we view from our little planet. Indeed, everything we see in this universe is time delayed, By milliseconds to millions of years, Depending upon its distance from our eyes. In other words, ... In Leelanau and beyond, Now is an illusion. See You In Leelanau Up North, Chris Visit A Leelanau Landmark: Leelanau Up North - recently named one of the top 70 Michigan blogs by the editors at Check out Michigan's most popular...
View From Empire Beach When I was a younger man, He never told me ... There would be longings without fulfillment. There would be heartaches without healing. There would be questions without answers. But now, as an older man, I remember what He did say ... There would be love without conditions. Nothing else really matters.
Wow.....can't wait....